Sept 10: 9to5 LA Chapter Meet ‘n’ Greet

Join us for the LA Chapter Meet ‘n’ Greet! Enjoy a meal, welcome our new interns, and hear updates on the fightback for universal health care, affordable housing, and other 9to5 campaigns.

We’ll have special discounts available on 9to5 memberships and t-shirts, plus great ways for you to plug in to volunteer with the chapter.


Date: Sunday, September 10

Time: 3pm to 5pm

Location: 6330 Mecham Way, Los Angeles (Cathy’s back yard)

PLEASE RSVP to Cathy at 408-206- 7992 or

If you don’t RSVP, please bring a dish to share for the potluck and a lawnchair to sit in!

Have you been thinking you want to get more involved with local social justice work? This is the perfect opportunity to meet 9to5 members and learn about our ongoing work to win justice for working women. Everyone is invited to be a part of this movement!

Looking forward to seeing you there!


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