Our Vision:
Equal opportunity for all women

The Problem:

Women’s economic security will not be a reality until women receive equal pay and equal opportunity:


  • Today, on average, women earn only 80 cents for every dollar earned by men. African American women earn only 60 cents, Native American women earn 58 cents, Latinas earn 54 cents, Asian American women earn 83 cents
  • Women and people of color are still underrepresented in engineering and the sciences, in law enforcement, in the skilled trades, and in corporate leadership
  • And, there’s currently no federal law preventing discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity

It’s time for powerful change!

9to5 members are fighting for solutions:

  • Strong, and strongly enforced, penalties against employers who violate existing equal pay laws
  • Fair pay laws that end gender and race discrimination
  • Equal opportunity policies that provide qualified women and people of color opportunities in employment, education and contracts.
  • Protection against workplace discrimination based on sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, parental and marital status, incarceration record, care-giving responsibilities
  • Policies like Ban the Box that reduce discrimination against people with criminal records
  • Visit our 9to5.org/equalpay page for resources on equal pay and how to talk to your coworkers about it!


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