Our Vision:

Jobs that allow women the flexibility they need to care for their families

The Problem:

Women shouldn’t have to risk their jobs to take care of family members.


And women shouldn’t have to put their family at risk to keep their jobs. Yet millions are forced to do exactly that every day:

  •  Only 1 in 5 of the lowest-wage workers have access to paid sick days on the job
  • Only 15% of workers have access to paid family leave through their employers
  • Nearly half of all private sector workers have no family or medical leave protection

It’s time for powerful change!

9to5 members are fighting for solutions:

  • Paid sick days for all workers to use for their own illnesses, to care for family members, or to secure safety from domestic violence
  • More accessible and affordable family and medical leave, including paid leave insurance that covers diverse families
  • Equitable pay and benefits for part-time workers, as well as greater control over scheduling and hours
  • Reasonable job modifications for pregnant workers that allow them to keep working while maintaining a healthy pregnancy
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