Action Alert: Pass a Budget for All of Us

Thanks to action by 9to5 members and many other national organizations, Congress reached a deal at the last possible moment of 2012 to avoid going over the so-called “fiscal cliff.”

For the first time in 20 years, Congress has raised taxes on the very wealthy. Because the very wealthy are paying more, two million people will see their unemployment insurance benefits extended, Medicare reimbursements were protected, and middle- and lower-income earners will not see a huge tax increase this year.

However – you guessed it – the fight isn’t over yet. There is another fiscal deadline in two months. We must act now to protect key social programs that low income and middle income families depend on.

Economic security programs like Medicaid, Headstart, food assistance, education and housing are key to our national economy. These programs help women and families, but also help fuel our economic recovery.

Click here to urge Congress to prioritize the needs of children and families throughout the budget process. Strong families make a strong national economy.


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