Action Alert: Protect Working Families – Support the Healthy Families Act Now

Patricia, a home health care nurse for seven years, didn’t have access to earned paid sick days at her job. She worked caring for a patient who is quadriplegic. He needed complete care by her — everything from lifting to washing him. When Patricia came down with food poisoning, her life fell apart like a house of cards.

Recalling those dark days, Patricia said, “I did not have the strength to get myself out of bed, let alone lift a 170 pound man, so I called in sick for three days.” After three days to recover, Patricia was still not strong enough to lift her patient and was told by her case manager “not to bother coming in again.”

Patricia is one of more than 40 million working Americans in this country without access to earned paid sick days. When workers can’t earn paid sick days, their economic security is at risk. Contact your Representative and Senators today and ask them to protect working families and support the Healthy Families Act

Act Now. Click  here to tell your elected officials that paid sick days are good for families, public health and the economy. The Healthy Families Act is a reasonable, common sense bill that would help ensure the economic security of tens of millions of workers.







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