Action Alert: Support the FAMILY Act

On December 12, Representative Rosa DeLauro and Senator Kirsten Gillibrand announced the introduction of the FAMILY Act, a national paid family and medical leave insurance program that would allow workers to take paid leave to care for a new baby, a seriously ill family member, or their own medical needs.

The FAMILY Act would be a crucial step in guaranteeing that working women can afford to care for their families in times of sickness.

Did you know that only 12% of workers in America have paid family leave through their employers? [1] Or that the U.S. is one of only seven countries in the world that doesn’t provide paid leave for new moms?

We can do better. Tell your policy-makers to support and co-sponsor the FAMILY Act today!

Being there for family is what matters. That’s why we need a law that guarantees you can be with your loved ones when they need you and not have to give up a paycheck while you do it.


[1] U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics. (2013, September). National Compensation Survey: Employee Benefits in the United States, March 2013 (Tables 16 and 32).

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