Action Alert: We Can’t Wait

Dear Members of Congress,
Please stop the law that deports and separates families. It is time to make a new law that keeps all families together. It’s really hard for me to concentrate in school. Just thinking that something could happen to my mom when I’m at school worries me a lot. She is a good person. She helps a lot at my school and she’s a good cook. 
Sincerely, Stephanie 

Stephanie knows, just like we do, that the time is NOW for immigration reform. Many in Congress are shifting their attention to the debt ceiling, saying that immigration reform is no longer a priority.

We know better–families and communities can’t wait any longer.

Will you join us in calling your Representative today? Call: 202-224-3121

Urge your Representative to support comprehensive immigration reform that keeps families together and addresses the needs of immigrant women and children. If you’re on twitter, tweet it at them too–it just takes one click!

Stephanie is not the only one who thinks it’s high time for immigration reform. There’s a huge tide of support from faith-based communities, labor, business leaders–and kids.

Reach out to the kids in your life–your children, nieces, nephews, grandkids, or neighbors–and introduce them to the Wish for the Holidays project, writing letters to Congress. What better way to tell the House to prioritize families, and to tell kids that they can make a difference?

The time is now for immigration reform. We know it, kids know it–it’s time for Congress to hear it.

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