Announcing a Transition at 9to5

We have news we would like to share with you. Linda Meric will be moving out of her role as 9to5’s Executive Director this summer as she transitions into the next chapter of her life. Over the past dozen years, Linda has led 9to5 with vision, dedication and commitment to our members and mission. She has had a tremendous impact on 9to5 as well as on the broader social justice movement.

While we are very sorry to see Linda move on, she leaves a stronger organization and important legacy.

She has played a critical role to ensure that those most impacted by the issues 9to5 works on are at the center of our work; that our campaigns are informed by a strong gender lens and intersectional analysis; and that 9to5 is a pipeline for grassroots leaders and leadership in the social justice movement. Linda has helped triple the size of our budget and build a strong and resilient organizational infrastructure.

Under Linda’s leadership, 9to5 has helped win important national victories on issues including pay equity, minimum wage, civil rights and the safety net. We’ve helped build the national movement for paid sick days and paid family and medical leave insurance.

In the states, 9to5 has led and won important campaigns on workplace fairness, equal opportunity and economic security issues. We have linked issues that traditionally have been addressed in separate policy silos or haven’t been seen as women’s issues, such as Ban-the-Box and affordable transit and housing. And we’ve won. 9to5 has developed groundbreaking civic engagement and leadership development programs like our Community Internship Program, and tools like our organizing and leadership development models.

We congratulate Linda on all her accomplishments, thank her for all her contributions, and wish her all the best in her new adventures! All of us will miss her wisdom, dedication, and support. We also realize that change is healthy for organizations, and we are excited to build on her leadership and move forward with a new, talented leader.

9to5 is in a strong position to continue our successful organizing, policy, leadership development and coalition-building work across the country. We are fortunate to have a strong board, staff and management team, and are working with consultants to fill the Executive Director position, and ensure a smooth transition.

We invite you to share the 9to5 Executive Director Job Announcement. Please feel free to contact us directly with any questions or concerns about this transition. And know that we will keep you informed about important developments as we move forward. As always, thank you so much for your continued support of 9to5’s work.


On behalf of the 9to5 National Board and Management Team,

Gloria Smith, National Board Co-Chair

Cathy Deppe, National Board Co-Chair

Linda Garcia Barnard, Operations Director

Cindia Cameron, Organizing Director

Nasreen Jilani, Development Director

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