
Igniting Strength, Hope and Resistance: 2017 and Beyond

As we face a new national political landscape, 9to5 remains committed to bringing our communities together to organize for the real changes we need to achieve justice and equality for working women – and for our broader communities. 9to5 is a place of progress and hope, where people can get involved in building a better world together. We are strong and principled; we will continue to lift up women’s voices and engage women to take action. Read our full statement of principles and action.

Tell Congress: Don’t Take Away our Healthcare!

Congressional leaders are lining up to destroy family-supporting health care programs like Medicaid, the Affordable Care Act and Medicare as fast as possible — launching their attack as early as January. Call the toll-free Healthcare Protection Hotline, to say “NO!”

My Heart Lies in Organizing

Tamara Green, pictured here with her mother, is a member of 9to5 Georgia. She spoke at the national We Wont Wait Summit about her experience as a caregiver. Tamara is an advocate for her mother who lives with HIV/AIDS. Because she needed to accompany her mother to the hospital, Tamara was fired from her job.

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