
New Report on LGBT Elders

9to5 allies at the Movement Advancement Project (MAP) and Services & Advocacy for GLBT Elders (SAGE) have released a new report on issuesfacing LGBT older adults. Understanding Issues Facing LGBT Older Adults takes a comprehensive look at the experiences of LGBT elders, the challenges to accessing the resources needed to age with support and dignity, and their resilience.

Tell Congress AGAIN: Hands Off Our Health Care!

Despite overwhelming public opposition to their plans to repeal health care, Republicans keep trying to take away our health care with a bill that is so bad, they have exempted themselves from it. Just like the last plan, it raises costs and cuts coverage. And now it guts protections for people with preexisting conditions, all to give massive tax breaks to the very rich and corporations.

Working Families Flexibility Act Will Hurt Women and Families by Linda Meric

Much like a wolf in sheep’s clothing, the falsely cloaked Working Families Flexibility Act (H.R. 1180/S. 801) would hurt, not help, working women and families. The Working Families Flexibility Act, a true misnomer if ever there was one, would in reality ensure that workers have less time, less flexibility and less money.

This anti-family proposal would force workers to spend more time away from their families in exchange for possibly getting to spend time later with their families. Under this proposal, the employer, not the employee, would determine when earned comp time can be used.

Republican Repeal of ACA Gives $600 billion in Tax Breaks To the Wealthy and Big Corporations

DENVER – State Senator Rhonda Fields joined homecare providers, health care advocates, doctors and people who depend on the Affordable Care Act (ACA) for health care on tax day to release a joint report from Americans for Tax Fairness and Health Care for America Now (HCAN). The report, Republican Health Care Repeal Plan: Tax Cuts for the Rich, Health Care Cuts for Everyone Else, details how the Republican plan to repeal the ACA would give billions in tax breaks to wealthy households, insurance companies and drug manufacturers, paid for by cutting the health care of low- and moderate-income families.

Trump’s budget priorities are toxic to American families

It’s that time of year again…tax time! A good opportunity to reflect on all the things our taxes provide, from clean air and water, to roads and bridges, schools and teachers. National security whether it’s through defense or through economic programs that help families stay safe and secure like health care, social security, food stamps and low-income child care and housing assistance.

Sexual harassment claims against Bill O’Reilly show nation’s much deeper epidemic

We seem to be living in a nation where sexual harassment is simultaneously being condemned by some and condoned, or at least ignored and excused, by others. Look no further than the Access Hollywood tape of our head of state and the massive women’s protests that erupted immediately upon his inauguration. The bad news is that some leaders, who could be sending an important message of respect for all and a commitment to holding harassers accountable, are not. The good news is that many people are paying close attention and taking a stand.

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