
We Need Paid Leave NOW – and Not Just for Maternity

This week, 9to5 and others who believe in common-sense solutions to personal medical and family care needs are celebrating the 24th anniversary of the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA). FMLA ensures that eligible employees may use up to 12 weeks of unpaid, job-protected leave per year to care for the birth or adoption of a new child or for their own or a family member’s serious illness, while retaining access to their health care. FMLA was a great starting point, and it’s been used more than 200 million times to benefit U. S. families.

Announcing a Transition at 9to5

We have news we would like to share with you. Linda Meric will be moving out of her role as 9to5’s Executive Director this summer as she transitions into the next chapter of her life. Over the past dozen years, Linda has led 9to5 with vision, dedication and commitment to our members and mission. She has had a tremendous impact on 9to5 as well as on the broader social justice movement.

Women’s groups kick off weekly meetings at Colorado Capitol

DENVER – Colorado legislators and representatives of several interest groups want to capitalize on the momentum from women’s marches across the nation as they launch Women and Families’ Wednesdays at the state Capitol.

The group will gather every Wednesday on Capitol Hill during the legislative session to allow participants to campaign for issues that directly affect women and families.

Moms say, “Don’t make policy about us, without us!”

“You’d think they want us to fail,” said Marta, a young mother in a Boston parents’ meeting. She was rocking a sleeping toddler as she explained that she couldn’t cover her bills working just one job. So she added house cleaning on weekends, but the small pay increase led to her subsidized rent being doubled and she was now facing eviction. “How am I supposed to make this work?” she asked the other parents who were shaking their heads with an understanding that can only come from having gone through it. Over the next two hours, we kept coming back to that question and heard the same response. The women agreed, people who make policy “just don’t get it.”

New Polling Shows Strong Public Support for a National Paid Family and Medical Leave Fund and Elected Officials Who Champion Working Families Policies

New polling in 15 states shows strong support for national policies that support working families. By a nearly two-to-one margin, 61 percent of voters in these states support the creation of a national paid family and medical leave fund, 69 percent support a paid sick days law and 57 percent support increasing access to high-quality affordable child care.

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