Blog: Launching Out Into the Deep -9to5’s South-East Regional Leadership Retreat

By 9to5 member Kim Schofield

A couple of weeks ago, I attended the 9to5 Regional Leadership Retreat in Atlanta, GA.   Having just officially joined 9 to 5, I was excited to learn the mission and philosophy behind the movement as a way to become more engaged in the work.  With each speaker, it became clearer that the value of the work that 9to5 offers is not only vital to the workplace but is also transformational.

As an advocate, I have always been a “voice to the voiceless” partnering with organizations that promote equality and fairness against humanity.  The retreat provided me an opportunity to impact the workplace on a different level.  The group discussions and interaction helped me to see the big picture.

The 9to5 Leadership Team exuded passion and sparked energy within the room.  If this was any indication of the road ahead, I am excited about launching out into the deep and being a change agent in the workplace.

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