Blog: White House Summit on Working Families

9to5 staff and members shared their stories and ideas at the White House Summit on Working Families June 23. Pictured from left to right is Georgia Chapter Director Charmaine Davis, National Organizing Director Cindia Cameron and members Mary Campbell and Rev. Harriet Bradley.


By: Mary Campbell

I am so excited and there is no way to hide it.

For me, the White House Summit on Working Families on June 23 was priceless! I was able to visit our nation’s capital and sit in the presence of President Obama and our First Lady, as well as Vice President Biden and Dr. Jill Biden, as they talked about working family issues. It is a blessing that President Obama and his staff have put working families and our issues at the forefront. The family and workplace structures have changed over the past 50 years and our nation has not kept up with the times on these issues.

We have a lot of work to do in Georgia and throughout the country. It is true that “when women win, we all win.” Winning includes health care, job training, flexible working hours, and equal pay and treatment. When we get everyone involved, these fair workplace goals are attainable.

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