Blog: Why I Canvass

By Lesley Laplatte, 9to5 Canvasser &  Member

Image: Lesley Laplatte (in middle) before rally against voter suppression at the Georgia State Capitol

 I chose to canvass with 9to5 Atlanta Working Women, because I wanted to effect change in the community I live in. Knowledge is power, and I wanted to help spread knowledge about the mid-year election. This mid-year election was important, because it determined the people who not just represent us locally, but also statewide, and even nationwide.

This year I turned eighteen. I was able to vote for the first time in my life and that was an amazing feeling. Even more amazing than that is the feeling I get when I think about the eight thousand people I touched several times and the people who were not even on our list that I came in contact with and may have swayed to get out and vote. We encouraged so many people to use their voices to make decisions which directly impacted their community. I talked to people I would never have met under normal circumstances and they widened my view of the world around me.

Being a part of the political process was important to me, because I wanted firsthand knowledge of the history being created around me. One day I will be able to look back and tell my children, I helped get people excited about the Family Care Act, and I worked with the people who worked hard to make the Ban the Box initiative a reality. I helped shape our nation in some small way through working during this campaign with this amazing organization.

When asked the question why I canvass, the answer is simple. Canvassing is the best way to get the word out there about the issues. You talk to real people and hear their opinions on important issues. You also share knowledge about issues they may have never heard of. You encourage people to use their voices to make a difference. And honestly nothing feels better than that. Canvassing is a great way to get knowledge and spread the word about great initiatives and bills. I canvass because I want to make a difference, and 9to5 Atlanta Working Women helps me do that.

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