Time for a Raise to $10.50/hour!

Dear friends of 9to5 San Jose:

We of 9to5 believe that this is one of those great moments in history.

Every once in a while there comes a time when reaction to cruel injustice—long delayed—merges with the power of a growing rage against indifference, a time when suffering no longer begs for relief, but finally demands reparations and, at long last, meaningful change.

From those few great moments have come great advances, historical shifts that have created new concepts, new directions, and new dignity for those once invisible, bent and broken by poverty, those who now in desperation reach out for justice.

From these times emerged great statements from great movement leaders that will never be forgotten by Americans schooled in the true history of our country—no matter the passing of time or the momentary deferment of our dreams.

“Give me liberty or give me death.”

“We the People…”

“Ain’t I a woman?”

“I have a dream.”

We have a dream as well, Martin. We dream of wages that allow us to feed and shelter our families and give to our posterity, not the gift of dignity, but the absolute right to respect, forever, and never to be challenged again.

We of 9to5 believe that this is one of those great moments in history.

We of 9to5 ask you to stand tall today and tell Congress that NOW is the “Time for a Raise to $10.50/hour!” Now. Not next month, not next year, NOW.

What we ask here is so little but so RIGHT: just an adequate raise to $10.50 that allows every worker in America to sustain a dignified life with hope for a better future for our grandchildren.

Stand up and step out with 9to5! Here’s how:

  • See and post the great campaign video at: www.tinyurl.com/timeforaraisevideo
  • Join 9to5 for the MLKing 50th Anniversary March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom on Sat, Aug 24th, 9 am, at St. James Park, San Jose. We’ll be marching to the County Office Bldg. Look for our red 9to5 t-shirts. There’s one for you!
  • Volunteer for outreach – tabling and petitioning. 9to5 will be at Berryessa Farmer’s Market with petition/summons for raising the minimum wage Sat, Aug 24th, between 9 am and 1 pm.
  • Come to the TOWN MEETING “Time for a Raise”, Sat, Aug 31st, 2 pm, at Alum Rock Public Library, 3090 Alum Roca Ave, San Jose. Speak up to your Congressional Reps. Call 408-656-6023 to RSVP and to volunteer. Call Now!
  •  SAVE THE DATE: 9to5’s 40th Anniversary Celebration & B-B-Q Sat, Sept 21.


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