Can you feel it?

Across the country, the momentum is building as more cities and states win work/family policies that help working women care for themselves and their families without losing a paycheck or risking their jobs.

In the past year, PortlandNew York Cityand Jersey City, NJ have all passed legislation that guarantees workers the right to earn paid sick days. And just two days ago, the Washington, DC City Council voted to expand earned sick time to tipped workers.

Last week, activists in Massachusetts finished collecting more than 280,000 petition signatures to get earned sick time and a higher minimum wage on the state ballot! This week, the Newark, NJ City Council unanimously took the first vote to enact earned sick days.

Also this year, Rhode Island passed a new family and medical leave insurance program. And 9to5 Colorado and its allies won passage of the Colorado Family Care Act, expanding existing family and medical leave coverage to allow workers to take time to care for civil union and domestic partners.

Clearly, the word is getting out–it’s time to ensure that people have the flexibility in their jobs to take care of their families.

Chip in your two cents! Do you have a story about a time when you didn’t have access to time off work to care for yourself or a loved one? Or maybe you did have sick leave when you needed it?

Tell us your story!

No one should have to choose between the family they love and the job they need. With paid sick days and family and medical leave insurance, workers can maintain basic spending levels on things like food, utilities, and repairs–contributing to overall stability for families, communities, and a growing economy.

The momentum’s on our side. Let’s go! 

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