9to5 in the News

9to5 Member Krysten on How to Get 10% More in Your Tax Refund

My name is Krysten Stevenson, and I’m a member of 9to5 Colorado, a grassroots organization that strengthens women’s abilities to win justice for working women. I’m a single mom with two young children. I also take care of my mother, who is older and has suffered from a stroke which requires me to be her caregiver. The Earned Income Tax Credit has consistently provided my family a safety net when we’ve needed it the most.

Huff Post: The Healthy Families Act: For Healthy Families, Healthy Businesses and a Healthy Economy

Senator Patty Murray (WA) and Representative Rosa DeLauro (CT) re-introduced the Healthy Families Act (HFA) on the heels of another city victory in Philadelphia (February 12) – legislation called for by President Obama in his State of the Union address that will establish a much-needed national paid sick days standard.

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