Media Releases

Statement: 9to5 Applauds Executive Action on Immigration, But It’s Not Enough

9to5 stands with labor and immigration organizations thanking President Obama for his executive action granting temporary legal status for close to 5 million undocumented immigrants. But this is not enough. The time for common-sense immigration reform, more than ever, is now. The Congress needs to take the President’s lead and pass comprehensive immigration reform that will strengthen our families, communities and nati

Statement: 9to5 Applauds Executive Action on ENDA, Calls on House to Take Action

The right to work free from workplace discrimination and harassment is a fundamental human right supported by the vast majority of Americans across demographics and political lines. But currently, lesbian, gay and bisexual employees in 29 states, and transgender employees in 32 states, are still working without protection against employment discrimination.

STATEMENT: Congress Must Act Now On Comprehensive Immigration Reform

As we reach the one year anniversary of the passage of the Border Security, Economic Opportunity and Immigration Modernization Act of 2013 (S. 744) in the U.S. Senate without seeing any movement forward with similar legislation in the House, 9to5 stands with labor and immigration organizations urging Congress to act and remember that the time for common-sense immigration reform, more than ever, is now.

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