Media Releases

Media Statment: The 50th anniversary of the March on Washington

This week marks the 50th anniversary of the March on Washington when hundreds of thousands of people mobilized for equality, jobs and freedom. Enormous strides have been made, but we aren’t done yet. We must continue the fight for the basic standards that all of us need to contribute to overall stability for families, communities and a growing economy.

Media Statement: When Women Succeed, America Succeeds – An Economic Agenda for Women and Families

In the same spirit of the revolutionary women who united for women’s equality at the Seneca Falls Convention 165 years ago today, Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi and House Democratic women unveiled a new policy agenda that highlights some key women’s economic issues: equal pay, work and family balance, and access to affordable child care.

Media Release: Women Take Action for Comprehensive Immigration Reform

As the full Senate begins debate on historic immigration reform, 9to5 members including Julie Nguyen, a 31- year-old grad student studying social work at Georgia State University, are mobilizing with hundreds of women immigrants and community leaders from across the country for “Women Stand Together” on Capitol Hill today! Read why passage of common-sense immigration reform is central to women’s equality.

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