Media Releases

Media Release: Women Allowed into Combat Jobs: But Still Fight for Equality at Home

9to5 and its allies will be protesting the pay gap that is robbing working women and their families an average of $11,000 annually. In observance of Equal Pay Day on April 9, 2013, 9to5 members are speaking out in California, Colorado, Georgia, Wisconsin and 14 other states calling for Congress to pass the federal Paycheck Fairness Act to end pay disparities.

Media Release: 17 Million Women Are Owed A Raise – 9to5 Applauds New Proposal to Raise Federal Minimum Wage

“In these tough economic times, common sense policies like increasing the minimum wage are crucial for working families struggling to support their families and build a better future,” said Linda Meric, national executive director of 9to5. “The middle class is what drives our economy. We can’t prosper as a nation unless today’s jobs and tomorrow’s jobs provide fair, decent wages.”

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