Celebrating Success at the Winter Social

By: Lindsey Challis, Luthern Volunteer Corps Intern

Thanks so much to everyone who came out to our Winter Social in December! I, for one, had a great time, and I hope you did too. 9to5 had many accomplishments in 2012, and it was so much fun to celebrate them with music, food, prizes, and of course our fabulous members.

Some of the successes we were celebrating included registering close to 300 voters, distributing hundreds of non-partisan voter guides, and contributing to the 16 percent increase in voter turnout in a nearby neighborhood! With some silly singing and dancing, we also celebrated a victory won by our Reformed Citizens Campaign—securing a commitment to remove a question from City of Atlanta job applications that discriminates against folks who have been incarcerated at some point in their lives.

I had heard about these accomplishments before, of course. But being at the Winter Social and celebrating them with our members—the women who made this change happen—made me all the more appreciative of how powerful 9to5 members are. It also got me excited to roll up my sleeves and dive in to the next big campaign on our agenda: lobbying the Georgia legislature to pass the Family Care Act and help families keep each other healthy without risking a pay check. Get ready—the legislative session begins January 14!


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