Cleveland Day of Action

For the Day of Action I talked to people in my community about 9to5 and about the importance of everyone having access to paid sick days. I also got them to sign pledge cards to support candidates who will fight for working families. My mother (who is a member of 9to5), cousin, and I went to Phoenix Coffee, Captain Toni’s Pizza and Starbucks to post posters with information about paid sick days and talk to folks about paid sick days. After going to these three establishments we walked to homes of people I knew in South Euclid to fill out pledge cards. My mother also reached out to her co-workers (Cleveland school bus drivers). It was great to go out and talk about an issue that affects so many people that we can fight to change!

Shanese Moore, Cleveland, OH, a former Lutheran Volunteer in the Atlanta Chapter and a current member of the 9to5 Action Network

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