As we ring in the New Year, we’re excited and energized to tackle the big things to come in 2024 with you – our members, friends, and supporters. Our teams are gearing up for busy legislative sessions, a big election year, and some exciting surprises next year. We’re counting on your support to make our goals possible!

If you haven’t had a chance to invest in 9to5 this year, today is the last day to give in 2023! Every dollar counts and no donation is too small to have an impact. Can you donate today? Your contribution will have an immediate impact on moving policy change forward, mobilizing voters and training the next wave of community leaders.

In Solidarity, 
Mica Whitfield and Ashley Panelli
CEOs & Co-Presidents


Curious about how far your donation can go? Here’s how your contribution can have an impact:

$50 will help fund our Equal Pay Day toolkit – helping activists tell their stories to advance measures supporting equal pay.

$100 allows 9to5 have a conversation with 10 voters about their voting rights and help them make a plan to get to the polls on Election Day.

A donation of $250 will help fund stipends for our Community Justice Fellows, who learn organizing and direct action skills with 9to5 and get hands-on experience in a 9to5 campaign!

$500 will help fund an action alert at the federal level for paid leave for all workers – so that no one has to choose between caring for themselves or a family member, or putting food on the table. 

$1,000 will fund 2,000 copies of 9to5’s “Working Women Vote Our Values” nonpartisan voter guides.

Join Our Team

Organizing Manager: Georgia

Albany Organizer: Albany Georgia

Human Resources Coordinator: Remote 

Communications and Data Coordinator II: Wisconsin

Graduate Research Assistant: Child Care Campaigns: Georgia

Highlights From the Field

Our chapters are hard at work all year fighting for worker justice, family and community sustainability, and building power. Take a look below at how they’ve done that this year. Your donations help fund this incredible work! 


9to5 members gathered for Colorado’s third Organizing and Empowerment Institute, a 2-day gathering where they took a deep dive into organizing skills and 9to5’s campaigns.


We celebrated childcare providers in Savannah who are leading the way for a more affordable childcare system that is accessible to working families. 


Our team has been working tirelessly to pass paid leave. While our hopes were dashed in 2023, we plan to advocate for it during the 2024 session. 9to5 member Leah wrote about the need for paid leave.



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