Empower and Organize: Introducing the Mobile Home Institute

The Mobile Home Organizing Institute was founded by 9to5 Colorado after 4 years working with mobile home residents all over the state. Colorado is experiencing an affordable housing crisis, leaving mobile homes as one of only a few accessible housing options. Increasing populations across Colorado have led to gentrification, displacement, and an increase in corporate developers’ interest in purchasing mobile home parks. Mobile home parks are increasingly being targeted as one of the first points of redevelopment, resulting in mass evictions.

Through word of mouth, we have received calls from residents across the state with the same concerns and reports of abuses against resident rights. One thing has become very clear; the need and desire to organize these communities by residents is immense and there is a gap in training geared specifically to addressing the needs and rights of mobile home communities . After conducting trainings across the metro area, Lake County, Larimer County, and El Paso county, we decided it was time to formalize and expand our efforts to make sure that residents across the state are empowered to take action for themselves and for their communities.

We believe that organizing for action should be led by community, and for community and are proud to share that we will be hosting our first Mobile Home Organizing & Empowerment Institute this August!

9to5 staff, community members from Denver Meadows, and other mobile home advocates will host trainings, share skills, and build power together.

Some of the topics covered will include: Mobile Home Organizing 101, Know Your Rights, How to Engage Community, the Mobile Home Park Act & how to use it, and more!

We are prioritizing mobile home residents as the main attendees of the Institute, to center building power in community, for community, by community.



Click here to learn more & register today!

Not a mobile home resident or can’t make the Institute, but want to support? Sponsor a resident to be able to attend and support the institute in solidarity!

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