Hi Friend,

Is something in the air? This month we’ve seen some wild news stories come across our feeds. From suggesting skipping breakfast because of the cost of food, to the recent spike in child labor violations and rolling back the rules for kids to work, it’s clear working people and their families are being pushed to their limits.

I’m reminded that because our lives are not single issue, neither is our work. The future we want means we can afford the food we need, we’re paid wages we can thrive on, and our kids won’t be taken advantage of by corporations looking for cheap labor and desperate families.

In Solidarity,
Leng Leng Chancey


Congratulations to Cesiah Guadarrama Trejo as she steps into the role of State Director of 9to5 Colorado! Former director Andrea Chiriboga-Flor will be transitioning into a new role as Project Director for the Justice for the People Legal Center that will be incubated by 9to5 until it can stand as a separate 501c3 organization. Cesiah started at 9to5 as a housing canvasser about 5 years ago eventually becoming Associate State Director in the fall of 2020. During her time at 9to5, she has worked hard to organize mobile home communities and advocate for housing justice at the local and state level. The Colorado team is excited to expand their women of color leadership and welcomes Cesiah into this position!

Join Our Team

Communications Coordinator: Atlanta

Data Coordinator: Atlanta

Wisconsin Voter Engagement Canvasser

Colorado Senior Communications Strategist

Albany Organizer

Accounts Payable Clerk- Milwaukee, WI



9to5 Georgia, local leaders, and advocates gathered at the Georgia State Capitol to mobilize elected officials about the benefits of paid leave for all Georgians.


Colorado is advocating for a bill that would overturn a ban that prohibits rent stabilization. The bill made it out of committee on February 17th.


Wisconsin will vote for state Supreme Court justices on April 4th. These justices will will decide cases on abortion rights, gerrymandering and other important issues.

What We’re Reading

Paid family leave still out of reach for most American workers
“About 40% of workers aren’t even covered by FMLA. And just one in four workers in the private sector has access to paid family leave — with higher-paid workers more likely to have coverage.”

Over 100 Kids Were Illegally Employed in Dangerous Meat-Packing Plant Jobs
The Department of Labor has seen a 50% increase in child labor violation since 2018. Big corporations don’t care about fines they might face for abusing kids- they’ll take advantage of the desperate families trying to make ends meet.

The mounting, undeniable Me Too backlash
People with power know that when women have control of their bodies and are safe in their workplaces their power is threatened. The #MeToo movement spurred a backlash against women that affects women of color and low-income women the most.

What’s Working: Get ready for Colorado’s wage-transparency law, part 2
9to5 Colorado led the way with it’s 2019 win for pay transparency, now they’re fighting to make it stronger. 

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