Give What You Can During the 9to5 Membership Drive!

February 15th marks the kickoff of 9to5’s nationwide Membership Drive! For the next two months, 9to5 members across the country will be telling family, friends, and coworkers why they care about working women’s issues – and inviting them to join our movement by becoming a member of 9to5.  9to5 will be offering special Membership Drive deals and incentives for new and renewing members.

Give What You Can

During the Drive, 9to5 is offering a flexible membership rate that enables you to join or renew at the level that is right for you!  When you Give What You Can, every dollar of your membership supports our work to develop women’s leadership and build a movement for change.

By becoming a member of 9to5, you will be part of a nationwide movement working to win change on issues such as paid sick days and family-friendly workplace policies. You will become an agent of change on the issues that directly impact your life!

Women across the country have joined 9to5 to stand up against sexual harassment and discrimination, fight for equal pay, and gain crucial supports in the workplace, such as childcare benefits. If there was ever a time to join the movement to improve women’s lives at work, it’s now!

Join or renew your membership today and:

  • Receive our quarterly Newsline magazine
  • Access exclusive health-related benefits
  • Participate in leadership conferences & trainings
  • Take Action to expand workplace rights & family friendly policies
  • Connect with working women and activists across the country

To join, learn more, or find how to get involved, visit the membership page on our website.

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