Go Run!

By Crystal Whetstone, Action Network Leader
Cincinnati, OH

I participated in Run Vote Lead’s National Go Run! conference a few weeks ago. I came away inspired, informed and equipped with the necessary tools to make a difference in my world!

I spent the weekend with hundreds of amazing women from across the country, all of them working towards the important goal of getting more women into office! Connecting with these women and hearing about the great work they already doing and what they plan to do next was so energizing. The speakers at Go Run! were incredibly inspiring. Marie Wilson told us that we can be the catalysts for changing the culture in the US to appreciate women’s capabilities and talents. It starts with us!

The information that participants at Go Run! received was extremely helpful. I learned pointers on how to manage a campaign, including how to develop a timeline and how to manage volunteers. We covered how to speak with strength and warmth, two factors that lead to credibility. In the communications class, I learned how to use my body language, my words and my passion to channel my message to potential supporters. I particularly enjoyed three information-based panels. One was co-led by Georgia 9to5’s chapter director Charmaine Davis and was on the Higher Heights #BlackWomenLead initiative that advocates for getting more Black women into political leadership. The other were panels on ranked choice voting, which is an effective way to get more women into office.

Finally, Run Vote Lead’s National Go Run! conference taught us where we can turn to for help as we think about running for office or start working on a campaign (ours or someone else’s). One of the greatest tools we have is other women. It was eye-opening to see how much talent our sisters have and how much we can learn from one another.

I’d highly recommend 9to5 members attend next year’s Go Run! conference as it’s a wonderful and exciting experience.

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