Have you used Wisconsin’s FMLA?

Last year, Wisconsin’s Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) was almost gutted. Help us stop that from happening in 2013. We are gathering testimonies to show our legislators the great need to strengthen and expand FMLA in Wisconsin.

Under FMLA, many people are able to take unpaid time off to recover from a long-term illness, care for a sick loved one, or bond with a new child without losing their job.

But that law doesn’t provide access to enough people. Nearly 25 percent of adults in U.S. have lost a job or been threatened with firing for taking time off when sick. In this tough economy, nobody can afford to lose their job because of illness or a new baby. Job security and stability is key to economic recovery, and nobody should be forced to choose between the job they need and the family they love. If you’ve used Wisconsin’s FMLA, click here to share your experience, whether it was caring for an elderly parent, recovering from illness, or adding to your family. Thank you so much for taking the time to share your story with us.

Please forward this to anyone you know who has benefited from Wisconsin’s FMLA, including people with elderly parents or children with terminal illness or disability, and new adoptive or birth parents (including fathers).

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