Our vision:

Jobs that provide living wages so women can have, and financially support, families

The Problem:

Two-thirds of workers who earn minimum wage, or less, are women.


And women have far more than their share of low wage jobs, less secure jobs, and jobs that provide fewer or no benefits:

  • $7.25 is the federal minimum wage, and 21 states still use that as their minimum wage
  • $2.13 is the federal minimum wage for tipped workers
  • Women of color represent almost half of the low-wage workforce

It’s time for powerful change!

9to5 members are fighting for solutions:

  • Strong safety net programs that support families and move them from poverty to economic security including accessible, affordable and secure child care, health care, and transportation
  • Renter’s rights on the state and local level, affordable housing, community control of land, development without displacement, and rights for mobile home owners
  • Public assistance programs that support women transitioning into the workforce by providing education, training and living wage jobs
  • Elimination of the subminimum tipped wage, and an increased minimum wage adjusted for inflation
  • Unemployment insurance policies that protect low-wage workers, part-time and temporary workers, workers who lose jobs due to family care responsibilities, and the long-term unemployed
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