Join 9to5 at Women’s Marches across California!

Join one of 9to5’s contingents at a Women’s March in California! We stand together in solidarity for the protection of our rights, our safety, our health, and our families — recognizing that our vibrant and diverse communities are the strength of our country.

Join 9to5 in demanding an end to all attacks on women, including police violence, domestic violence, workplace sexual harassment and discrimination, and threats to families through incarceration, deportation, and cuts to our safety net programs and health care. In cities and towns across the country, 9to5 is united through our action.

Wear red or your 9to5 gear, and we’ll have 9to5 stickers and materials to share!

9to5 will be at three California Women’s Marches, all on Saturday, January 21:

San Francisco Women’s March
Rally: 3 – 5PM; March: 5 – 8PM
Starting Location: Civic Center
Ending Location: Justin Herman Plaza
RSVP to or 404-688-0164 for details

San Jose Women’s March
Time: 10AM -3PM
Starting Location: City Hall
Ending Location: Cesar Chavez Plaza
RSVP to or 408-396-8039 for details

Los Angeles Women’s March
Time: 9am
Meet at: 5th St. & Hill St. Corner of Pershing Square
RSVP to for details.


Will you be at a different Women’s March, J20 Rally, MLK Day event, Immigrant Rights rally, or other event this week standing up for dignity and justice for all? Connect with us on social media by sharing your pictures using the hashtag #9to5united on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram!

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