Know your new rights for assistance from CalWORKs!

We have important news for all California families receiving assistance from CalWORKs who have at least one child not receiving cash aid.

Starting January, your caseworker should be adding those children to your grant in most cases, due to the end of the Maximum Family Grant rule. Ending this policy was a hard-won victory for 9to5 California, our partners across the state, and all working California working families!

What you should know:

1) Call your case worker. Ask if your non-supported children will be supported starting January. Average grant per child per month is approximately $120-130.

2) The Maximum Family Grant Rule has been REPEALED –  so these children should be added to your grant STARTING JANUARY 1st.

3) Call us at 9to5 Working Women – 213-201-7029. Please leave a message if we are not here when you call. We need your name and phone number. We ARE MONITORING COMPLIANCE because we all worked hard with you to win this repeal.

4) When you call, let us know if you would like to be a member of 9to5 and help us win other rights for women and their families. We are a grassroots, membership-based organization and we need each other. Let us know what is most important to you (for example, affordable child care, or an end to the term limits on cash aid, etc.)

We value your voice. Always.

— From all of us at 9to5

Pictured: 9to5 member Yvonne, with her daughter. As part of our Community Internship Program, Yvonne shared her story about being impacted by the Maximum Family Grant with policy-makers and the public, and was part of the successful campaign to end this discriminatory policy once and for all!

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