Hi Friend,

This time of year should be a time to celebrate new graduates, hold family barbecues, and welcome summer but so many families will never gather in the same way again. From Ulvade and Buffalo to the countless communities in between, families instead mourn the loss of loved ones to preventable gun violence.

Our communities cannot reach their full potential to thrive when children aren’t safe in school, where we are not safe at work, on public transportation, in a place of worship, or in public. I believe that it is never too late for change. Change is the hope of our tomorrow, and I find so much hope in the community that we- our members, staff, communities, and co-conspirators- are building together for a better tomorrow. 

In Solidarity,
Leng Leng Chancey


May 3rd was Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander (AANHPI) Equal Pay Day. AANHPI’s make just $0.75 for every $1.00 their white, male counterparts make,ut the data is so much more complicated than that. 

When we talk about pay disparities among the Asian community, we have to talk about how different the data is when separated by dozens of ethnic groups and nationalities. On Instagram, we broke down how pay disparities across the Asian community vary wildly, and how this hides a much bigger problem.  



Learn more about our 2022 legislative session wins in our brand new report. We’re celebrating progress on paid leave, more rights for mobile homeowners, and more. 


On May 21 we recognized the leadership, generosity, and grace of the women in our own communities. Join us in recognizing the four women nominated by their peers for resiliency, bold advocacy and community impact during the pandemic.


Wisconsin State Director Christina Thor celebrated Asian American Pacific Islander Heritage Month and reflected on the drastic increase in xenophobia, racism, bias, and violence against the AAPI community. 

Work With Us!

Senior Communications Coordinator: Colorado 

Housing and Utility Organizer: Georgia 

Campaign Organizer: Georgia

Organizer: Wisconsin 

Communications Specialist: Wisconsin 

Voter Engagement Canvassers: Wisconsin  

Contract Communications Specialist: Georgia 

What We’re Reading

Colorado mobile home owners, residents may soon get help, but it’s not everything they wanted — or needed

Learn more about the two mobile home bills that 9to5 Colorado helped pass. They will allow more time for residents to organize and purchase the land they live on, force landlords to take better care of common areas and utilities, and require landlords to compensate lot renters for the cost of moving homes. 

A Landlord ‘Underestimated’ His Tenants. Now They Could Own the Building.

When tenants work together to fight for their rights to affordable housing amazing things can happen! These tenants worked together and will soon be able to purchase their apartments.

What Happens When Private Equity Takes Over Mobile Home Parks

Mobile home parks have long been an affordable housing option for many people. In recent years huge corporations have begun purchasing mobile home parks and astronomically raising the rents on tenants. Check out this story on what is happening and how communities are affected.

New crisis, old inequities: How the baby formula shortage disproportionally hurts low-wage families

The formula shortage is, like most things, a race and class issue. This article explores how paid leave and a lack of support for working families is disproportionately affecting communities of color. 

Utilities: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver

Tune in as John Oliver does a deep dive into utilities and how these huge, unregulated corporations are exploiting working families to drive up profits.

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