Media Coverage: 9to5 Atlanta’s Charmaine Davis discusses the wage gap on GPB’s On The Story

On Thursday, April 10 2014, 9to5 Atlanta Chapter Director Charmaine Davis was a featured guest on Georgia Public Broadcasting’s “On The Story” segment about the wage gap, titled “The Wage Gap: Why do Women Make Less than Men?” The other guests included Dr. Barry Hirsch, professor of economics at Georgia State University and Gail Evans, author of “Play Like a Man, Win Like a Woman.”

Check out the segment here.

Charmaine on GPB1This year for Equal Pay Day, 9to5 Atlanta co-hosted an event with a Just ATL. The event featured an inter-generational panel discussion about the gender wage gap and highlighted the ways in which the wage gap affects all women.

For more information on the wage gap, check out our toolkit! Take action to close wage gap by supporting the Paycheck Fairness Act

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