Mother’s Day Outreach 2014

In the two weeks leading up to Mother’s Day this year, we’re asking all Action Network members to participate in a quick, simple outreach project to honor moms and spark some discussion about justice for working women.

How do I participate?

1. Start by brainstorming a little about your personal motivations for being involved in the working women’s movement. Do you need paid sick days or paid family leave at your job? Do you or someone in your family make less than $10 an hour and struggle to make ends meet? Have you or someone you know had experiences with gender wage discrimination or sexual harassment? How have these issues hurt your community or impacted your life?

2. Think about 3 people (or more!) in your life who may not know that you’re involved with 9to5, or may want to learn more.  This may be a neighbor, a coworker, a friend from church or your bowling league, or your own mom/aunt/brother/godchild…  you get the picture!

3. Give each of them a call in honor of mother’s day (or meet up for coffee), share your story/motivation, and a little about how 9to5 members take action for workplace justice. Then, ask if they want to join our mailing list. If they do, get their name, email address, and city/state, and send that info to Lindsey. It’s that easy!

If you’re not sure how 9to5 is engaged in a specific issue, or want to try out telling your story in advance, give Lindsey a call or email her to set up a time to chat (404-688-0164,


Why Mothers’ Day? We believe Mother’s Day is a time to appreciate all the amazing women in our country who care for their families and communities. It’s a day to pause our busy lives, connect with each other, and say thanks. When you’re doing this outreach, you might be speaking as a mom, you might be speaking to a mom, or you might just be sharing this conversation with someone who understands how important it is to support women and moms.

Why tell your story? Telling our honest, personal stories is one of the most effective ways we have to refute the corporate-funded messages that say that we don’t need to raise the minimum wage or we can’t afford paid family leave. 9to5 is committed to lifting up the voices of our members and working women everywhere through stories and outreach like this.

Asking people to join our email list will allow them to stay updated and plugged in to easily take action on issues affecting working women and families. They’ll receive about 1 email per week, and can unsubscribe at any time. Making new contacts and keeping in touch about our issues is a fundamental part of how we build a large-scale movement to win justice for working women.

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