Mothers Know Best!

“Don’t make policy about us, without us… all policy developments should include women who experience this life,” a mother in Georgia shouted out in a room full of low-income moms struggling to make it.

This straightforward assessment and the visionary yet common sense proposals accompanying it are part of 9to5’s study, known as Integrating Resources, funded by the Ford Foundation. Over the course of the past two years, focus groups in Colorado, Georgia, and Massachusettes brought together 100 low-income parents to talk about the difficulties of having low-wage jobs, finding quality and accessible care for their children, and navigating public assistance.

In late May, the project culminated in a convening in Washington, DC in which directly impacted mothers, 9to5 members, non-profit allies, and funders participated. Together, problems were discussed and even more solutions emerged. Please check out the full report and summary for more information and how to get involved!

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