We Can Do Better: Join us on August 26 for the Day of Action!

Mark your calendar for 9to5’s National Day of Action on Women’s Equality Day on August 26. To celebrate this milestone, 9to5 will be engaging members across the country to take action for women’s workplace rights. This year we will focus on updating and expanding FMLA. Click here to learn more about our events or to sign 9to5’s pledge to support family-flexible policies.

Take a Stand: Protect WI Family and Medical Leave

This year marks the 25th anniversary of the WI Family and Medical Leave Act. Big money corporate interests are lobbying Wisconsin legislators to take away the law that has protected the jobs of Wisconsin families when they’ve needed to care for their own or a family member’s illness or a new baby. You can get involved to make sure that Wisconsin families aren’t forced to abandon their sick family.

Tell Your State Legislator: Hands Off WI FMLA!

Big money corporate interests are lobbying Wisconsin legislators to take away Wisconsin’s Family and Medical Leave. Send a message to our State Legislature! Wisconsin’s Family and Medical Leave Act protects working families from having to choose between the family they love and the job they need. Repealing the law is not an option for responsible families- Sign the petition today!

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