Blog Post: Equal Pay =

Equal pay is important to me because I want to be able to take care of myself. I recently acquired a large debt when I suddenly became ill and had to be hospitalized. If the wage gap closed, I could pay off my medical bill. To me, pay equity is a way of helping women and their families become less vulnerable to poverty and bankruptcy due to costly, unexpected events.

Tell Us What Equal Pay Means to You!

9to5 members across the country will be uniting on April 9, 2013, to speak out about the need for equal pay for all. We will be doing outreach by getting friends, family, co-workers, and members of our communities to finish the sentence “Equal pay =…” Through sharing these photos and quotes we will be able to reach thousands of people with the message that equal pay is important.

Action Alert: Protect Colorado Homeowners

Take action today: Legislators need to hear from you on why stopping unfair and unnecessary foreclosures is important to Coloradans! Urge your Representative to protect Colorado homeowners by adding more integrity to the foreclosure process.

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