Make a Difference this Fall: Intern with 9to5 Atlanta

9to5 Atlanta is proud to announce its 4th annual Community Internship Program (CIP). The CIP is an opportunity for members to learn how to organize around issues central to 9to5’s mission: ending employment discrimination, raising workers’ hourly wages, and passing flexible workplace policies.

Stand with 9to5 to end the Death Penalty

9to5 knows that we will never achieve full equality and economic empowerment if we don’t combat all forms of oppression. In our commitment to end all forms of oppression, we are opposed to legalized state executions because of its inherent systemic race and class discrimination.

Cleveland Day of Action

For the Day of Action I talked to people in my community about 9to5 and about the importance of everyone having access to paid sick days. I also got them to sign pledge cards to support candidates who will fight for working families.

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