Hi Friend,

Next week on Election Day, November 8th, is our chance to vote for politicians who will fight for economic justice for working people, our families, and our communities. So many critical issues are on the line. We must protect our reproductive freedom, right to vote, our families, and our environment.

We know that most people support common-sense policies like paid leave, affordable childcare, access to reproductive healthcare, and affordable housing. When we elect politicians who reflect our values at the national, state, and local level we will continue to move towards a future where working women and people of color not only survive but thrive.

In Solidarity,
Leng Leng Chancey


Do you have a plan to vote? That includes knowing when you’re going, who you’re going with, how you’ll vote and if you need ID. Visit 9to5.org/GoVote to find your polling place and more. 



Election Day is coming up and your voice and vote matter. Will you pledge to vote?


We’ve released our 2022 Ballot Guides to share more information on ballot measures and if we support them.


It’s going to take all of us to make big change in Wisconsin! Make sure you’re registered to vote and find your polling place.

Work With Us!

Data Coordinator: Colorado
Fort Co
llins/Larimer County Organizer: Colorado
Albany Organizer: Georgia
Climate and Energy Justice Manager: Georgia
Accounts Payable Clerk: Milwaukee, WI
Senior Communications Coordinator: Colorado 

What We’re Reading

Health department medical detectives find 84% of U.S. maternal deaths are preventable
“Black women are three times more likely to die from pregnancy-related complications compared to white women.” Preventing maternal deaths means eliminating racism from healthcare and ensuring everyone has access to quality and affordable reproductive care.

A Century-Long Effort to Secure the ERA: ‘The Important Thing Is To Keep Fighting’
We’ve been waiting nearly 100 years for women to be equal to men in the Constitution. We have to keep fighting to be included in the Constitution. 

Why millions of Americans feel they must choose between caring for loved ones and work 
Accessible, affordable, and culturally competent child care is essential to economic freedom for working women of color. We need long-term solutions for affordable and accessible childcare. 

Child care industry struggles with shortage of workers: ‘This is unheard of’
Childcare workers aren’t paid enough and working families are struggling or can’t afford it when they need it. It’s going to take big solutions to solve child care so families can find affordable, accessible, and culturally competent childcare. 

The application for Biden’s student loan relief is open. Here’s what to know about it
The application for loan forgiveness is open! Black women hold the most student loan debt and this policy is a huge win for so many women, people of color, and low-income earners.

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