Organizational Statement of Solidarity

These last few of weeks make clear what we already know to be true – that racism is rampant, pervasive, and systemic across this country. The killings of George Floyd, Tony McDade, David McAtee, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery and the racist attack on Christian Cooper in Central Park are highly-publicized examples of the countless incidents of racist police violence and acts of racism that happen every day but never make the news. 

We live in a society governed and dictated by white supremacy and until it is dismantled, none of us are safe. All of us — individuals and organizations — must examine our own complicity and role in dismantling racism. We stand in solidarity with Black community leadership and the Black Lives Matter movement in calling for an end to police violence and the racist systems that enforce the persecution, prosecution, and murders of untold numbers of Black people to protect white supremacy.

We all must hold one another accountable to live our values by shifting culture and working each day to dismantle racist power structures. We must take responsibility for our own places within those structures in order to challenge and break them down. We no longer can settle for incremental gains toward eliminating racism. It is time to eradicate racism once and for all.

In this effort, 9to5 is committed to:

  • Advancing racial justice through, in part, direct action, defunding the police and policy change
  • Moving forward the Movement For Black Lives (M4BL) policy platform
  • Supporting the leadership of Black women within and outside of our organization
  • Amplifying Black-led organizing and liberation work
  • Aligning our policies and practices to make sure we continue to dismantle systems and structures of white supremacy internally, while we work toward liberation for all

We’ll honor and follow through on our commitments with full transparency, holding ourselves accountable to making real, lasting change. For the remainder of this week, we will be closing down all 9to5 offices to prioritize the needs of our staff. The continuous trauma white supremacy inflicts on Black, Indigenous, and other people of color is relentless. We value time for our staff to rest and heal, engage in mutual aid, and take action in whatever ways we can.

We all have roles to play and work to do. It is necessary for all of us to commit to actively dismantling systems of injustice in order to advance our vision of collective liberation. 

If you don’t know where to start – we got you. Below are some resources and actions to get started.

  • Support Black-led organizing work happening in your local communities. Listen to what is being asked and commit to anti-racist actions. 
  • Donate! The revolution needs resources to thrive. If you are able, donate to your local grassroots organizations, bail funds, memorial funds, etc. Monthly sustaining gifts – even $5 or $10 per month – have a real impact and provide steady support.
  • Rest and recharge. Movement work is not a sprint, but a marathon of heart/hard work. Being grounded in community and social justice values also means knowing when healing and care work needs to be prioritized.
  • For non-Black allies & accomplices – do your own work around anti-Blackness and racism. Educate yourself on what is going on, listen to folks who have been doing this work, talk to your family, friends, and peers, and take on the work of dismantling white supremacy head on. 

In solidarity,

Our Team at 9to5, National Organization of Working Women

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