Pregnant and working in Colorado? Know your new rights!

During Christina’s first trimester, her doctor told her to lift no more than 5 pounds and to sit on a stool at her checkout counter. She gave a written notice to her employer, but was denied these basic accommodations. Christina was required instead to restock shelves, lifting 20-50 pounds boxes.

Because her employer denied her request for accommodations, Christina was forced to use most of her paid leave time during her pregnancy to take care of her health.and had to return to work just three weeks after giving birth.

In 2016, 9to5 Colorado led a successful campaign to pass a new state law guaranteeing pregnant workers the right to reasonable accommodation to be able to maintain a healthy pregnancy and a paycheck. Christina and other 9to5 members shared their personal stories to explain the need for this important new policy.

To learn more about your right to a reasonable workplace accommodation while you’re pregnant, see our know-your-rights factsheet here.

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