Raising our Voices on Equal Pay Day


On Equal Pay Day, recognized this year on April 8, 9to5 members across the country took action to protest the gender wage gap. Several hundred 9to5 members made their voices heard as they demanded pay equality regardless of gender and race!


  • In Colorado, 9to5 members caught the attention of people at the capital with a Dolly flash mob (check out more pictures here!)
  • In Wisconsin, 9to5 members held popular “Unhappy Hour” events in Madison, Milwaukee, and Appleton (photos here)
  • In Pennsylvania and Texas, members shared their personal stories of pay inequality to spread the word about the impact the wage gap has on the lives of working women
  • In California, 9to5 chapters took the discussion to high school classrooms, educating young women and men about the reality of the wage gap and what they can do to close it
  • In Georgia, members held an intergenerational forum to discuss how the wage gap affects the lives of women of different ages and at different times in our history (photos here!)
  • In more than 12 states across the country, 9to5 members used online tools to spread the word to friends, urge their legislators to support the Paycheck Fairness Act, and heighten the discussion during 9to5’s #fairpay tweetchat.


These actions by 9to5 members and others around the country are building momentum for meaningful change for equal pay. Join the movement by contacting your legislators, reading and sharing 9to5 members’ stories about the wage gap, or contacting Lindsey to learn how you can get involved in our next day of action (1-800-669-0769 or Lindsey@9to5.org)

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