Rally Against Wage Theft! Feb. 8th

Join 9to5 in Sunnydale to rally against wage theft and sexual harassment!

Former Arby’s employee Miriam was forced to work off-the-clock, overtime hours without pay, and long days with any breaks to use the restroom or eat a meal. She says, “I was often very hungry and exhausted at work, but I made sure not to show it to customers because I wanted to be a good employee and keep my job.”

She also experienced repeated and extreme sexual harassment, culminating in being attacked by her supervisor. Miriam says, “Arby’s management knew about the harassment and attack, but did not take any action to protect me.” When Miriam took action to stand up for herself and her coworkers in similar situations, she was fired.

This is completely unacceptable — and Miriam is far from alone in facing these conditions on the job.

Join 9to5 and the Santa Clara County Wage Theft Coalition to show Miriam and her coworkers we have their backs — and to show Arby’s they will be held responsible.

Protest Against Wage Theft
Wednesday February 8, 2017
601 S Bernardo Ave, Sunnyvale, CA

Click here to RSVP on Facebook!

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