STATEMENT: The Fight for $15 Sweeps the Globe

May 15, 2014

Contact: Linda Meric, National Executive Director,
(303) 628-0925 x15 or

9to5 supports fast food workers striking for $15 and the right to organize

MAY 15, 2014 – “Fast food workers are standing up to demand fair wages and the right to organize without retaliation. In more than 150 cities, and 30 countries, low-wage workers are on strike from the $200 billion fast food industry.

The only way to get the nation’s economy really moving again is to put money in the purses and pockets of workers in low-wage service and retail jobs, so they can spend on essentials like food, utilities and repairs – purchases that keep their families and communities, local businesses and the economy moving forward.


Unfortunately, the fastest growing jobs in the United States are also the lowest paid and 77 percent of these jobs are occupied by women. 9to5 supports fast food workers who are not paid enough to be able to afford their families’ basic needs. They often earn so little that they qualify for food stamps and other public assistance, which means large, profitable corporations are forcing taxpayers to subsidize their low wages.

The fast food industry is booming. It has grown into a $200 billion plus industry. These companies can afford to, and must, pay their hard-working employees enough to cover the necessities and support their families, and not force taxpayers to shoulder the burden.

That’s why fast food workers are joining together to demand $15 an hour and the right to form a union without retaliation. And that’s why 9to5 stands in support of fast food workers on this Global Day of Action and every day – to support simple, common sense solutions that are good for working families, our communities, local businesses and the economy.”


About 9to5: With forty-one years’ experience in winning justice for working women, 9to5 leads the way to create a powerful force for change on issues affecting low-wage women and their families.

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