The past few months have flown by as our teams in Georgia, Colorado, and Wisconsin have been hard at work fighting for paid leave, making sure workers can care for their families, stopping workplace harassment, equal pay, and more. 

Here’s a more in-depth look at what our teams have been working on: 


Our Georgia team worked tirelessly, fighting for several bills. SB61, the Family Care Act was signed into law in May and allows workers who already earn paid sick days to use up to 5 of those days per year to care for another family member.


Our Colorado team passed bills for Equal Pay, Water Quality in Mobile Homes, protecting tenants from predatory clauses in rental agreements, and strengthened their paid leave program. 


Our Wisconsin team spent the winter making sure voters were registered and understood the Supreme Court justice elected in Wisconsin would decide critical issues like abortion, and voting rights.

We’ve been keeping an eye out on the issues that matter to 9to5 members across the country- like paid leave, equal pay, child care, voting rights, the Equality Act, and climate change. In addition to these issues, we’re increasingly worried about issues like the rollback of child labor, and potential cuts to social safety programs. Unfortunately, there just hasn’t been much meaningful action in Washington D.C. yet! We’ll keep you updated as things change.

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