Take a Stand: Protect WI Family and Medical Leave

It’s time for jobs that boost families and communities. Being fired, or losing a day’s pay, for taking care of an ill loved one means women can’t spend on the essentials like food, utilities and repairs – purchases that keep communities and the economy going.

We can do better. Working families need access to paid sick days, family care days and paid family leave insurance.

This year marks the 25th anniversary of the WI Family and Medical Leave Act. Big money corporate interests are lobbying Wisconsin legislators to take away the law that has protected the jobs of Wisconsin families when they’ve needed to care for their own or a family member’s illness or a new baby.

It’s time to build on FMLA’s success. Paid leave enables people to maintain basic spending levels on essentials like food, utilities and repairs at a time when they need it the most – contributing to overall stability for families, communities, and a growing economy.

It’s a simple common-sense solution that is good for families, local businesses and the economy.

Keep Families First is a diverse statewide coalition formed to protect Wisconsin’s current Family and Medical Leave Act. You can join the following organizations who have pledged to Keep Families First  and are working to preserve and expand WI FMLA. If you have questions on WI FMLA or would like more information on how you can Keep Families First, contact Emily Kitchin at 414-274-0925 or email emily@9to5.org

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