Tell Congress: Don’t Take Away our Healthcare!

Don’t Take Away Our Health Care!

House and Senate leaders are lining up to destroy family-supporting health care programs like Medicaid, the Affordable Care Act and Medicare as fast as possible — launching their attack as early as January. 9to5 members are speaking out and saying, “NO!”

We know our system isn’t perfect, but it provides critical health care for 30 million Americans. We need to act now to protect these programs from Congressional efforts to destroy them. Join with 9to5 members and our families across the United States in fighting back.

Tell Congress “Don’t take away our health care.”

Call the toll-free Healthcare Protection Hotline at 866-426-2631*.

Tell Congress:

Our families need more access to health care, not less. Medicaid, the Affordable Care Act and Medicare are critical to our economic security. Don’t take away our health care!

  • This number connects you to House Members for all states except: TN, WV, NV, AZ, ME, AK. In these six states, the number will connect you to SENATE targets. 


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