“The people have chosen change & progress.” Historic victory is a win for working women

ATLANTA — In response to the historic 2020 election results championing issues impacting working women and families,  Leng Leng Chancey, the executive director of 9to5, National Association of Working Women, issued the following statement:

“Record numbers of women and people of color turned out in force to call for change, delivering a decisive victory for the Biden/Harris ticket and the historic election of Kamala Harris as the first Black and Asian American woman to serve as vice president. Voters have overwhelmingly chosen new leaders to move us forward towards a better future. Despite the pandemic and deliberate barriers to voting — including voter purges, day-long lines and eliminated drop boxes — communities of color, working women and our families have come out in droves to make our voices heard. 

“We did not let anything get in the way of voting and organizing our communities in support of issues we believe in. We believe in a transparent election process and leadership that is accountable to its people, not to corporate interests or extremist white supremacy groups that seek to divide us. 

“The people have chosen change and progress. Today, we celebrate; tomorrow, we roll up our sleeves and get to work creating the more just, equitable and secure future for all!”


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