Up Close and Personal with 9to5’s Community Internship Program

The highlight of my experience as part of the Community Internship Program (CIP) was becoming a member of 9to5 and being able to be a voice for 9to5 regarding the Ban the Box campaign.  I enjoyed speaking to a group of employers and potential employees with a record, while sitting in the same room while they shared their personal stories.  It was up close and personal, giving people on both sides of the fence a chance to share struggles, stories, and concerns.  I was able to share my personal story and hear theirs.  Engaging in the community about personal issues and taking a stand provides much fulfillment; and that’s what I have got the opportunity to feel here at 9to5.  Standing with the community and for the community means everything to me.  I’ve had a chance to experience that with great organization, as a 9to5 Member!

Shantel Carson, Community Intern

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