Volunteers needed for Canvassing, Phonebanking, and Cooking!

9to5’s canvassing team has spent hundreds of hours calling and knocking on the doors of potential voters. They have already contacted 8,000 voters in order to encourage them to get out to the polls! We are working hard but we could use your help.

Volunteer with our canvassers in door knocking on the following dates:

Saturday, October 25th
From 11:30am-4pm

Saturday, November 1st
From 11:30am-4pm

Monday, November 3rd
Shifts between 9am-7pm*

Tuesday, November 4th
Shifts between 9am-7pm*

*Contact Kelsey to sign up for a shift on Monday or Tuesday. Shifts will take place during the following times:

**Volunteers for the above dates will meet at the 9to5 office in the  IBEW building, 501 Pulliam St., Atlanta, GA

If you would like to help but can’t commit to canvassing we have two others opportunities!

 1) Bring a home cooked dish or dessert for our canvassers on Nov 3rd or 4th. The dishes will need to be dropped off to the 9to5 office (501 Pulliam St, Atlanta, GA on the third floor)

2) Participate in phonebanking. This will require using your own cell phone. Contact us for more information about days and hours available.

If you would like to volunteer for a shift or drop off a dish to share please contact Kelsey at Kelsey@9to5.org or404-222-0037

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